Your home is your castle, and protecting your home and all the things that you own are important to you. Nobody likes to think about bad things happening, but unfortunately, they do. When they do, you need to file a claim, which is never fun. It can also be stressful, but there are some things you can do to make filing a claim less stressful, including having a home inventory. In the event of a catastrophe, you will find a home inventory is a very good idea. At EasTex Insurance of Tyler, TX, we have been in business since 1979 and love to share our many years of experience.
When you file a claim for loss of personal possessions, your carrier is going to want to know exactly what was lost. Depending on how the structure of your home was involved with the loss, it may be difficult to prove exactly what you used to have. That is where your home inventory comes in. It is a careful room by room record of your possessions. You can create it the old fashioned way with a pen and pad, or you can use a video to record the content of your rooms. If you use a written record, the addition of photos can be very valuable. Attach any invoices or receipts you have. Include as much detail (brand, date purchased, model number) as possible.
If you have valuable items, getting an appraisal will make collecting on your claim a lot easier. Once your inventory is complete, you should store it in an easily accessible place safe from anything which might destroy your home. The cloud is a safe option.
A home inventory is an excellent idea if you ever file a claim. At EasTex Insurance of Tyler, TX, we will be happy to answer any questions about a home inventory or about any other insurance-related topic you have. Call our office to set up an appointment or to get a no-obligation quote.